CS373 Spring 2021: Shayan Maradia, Week 8 Blog

Shayan Maradia
3 min readMar 14, 2021

1. What did you do this past week?

I learned about React development, and I saw some videos online that were helpful in refreshing my memory. I met with my team to discuss our plans for this phase, and I began to work on some of the React code for the frontend of HopeForHomeless. I watched some of the SWE lectures again to do some review on Python as well. I was also busy from having to move my things out of my apartment due to unexpected renovations.

2. What’s in your way?

I think just learning more about React and starting to build the website nicely would be really helpful, and I want to gain a better understanding of how databases function for a website, so that is what I am trying to grasp at the moment and hopefully master by the time we finish this phase.

3. What will you do next week?

Next week, I will be going on a short trip with my friends for Spring Break for 2–3 days. Other than that, I will try to keep working on HopeForHomeless and staying in touch with my teammates and work with them as much as I can. I also have some other projects that I need to work on during Spring Break.

4. If you read it, what did you think of the Liskov Substitution Principle?

I will be reading the article by the end of the day after I finish some other tasks.

5. What was your experience of iteration, comprehendions, generators, and digits iterator? (this question will vary, week to week)

I saw iterators and iteration a lot in the Fall 2020 semester in OOP, so I found it easy to understand like the other concepts I just learned this week. However, I have done algorithms that have tasks similar to the job of the digits iterator, so that was fun and not difficult to me.

6. What made you happy this week?

I went to campus and studied outdoors in the lawn in front of the Tower, and I really enjoyed being able to study on campus after a year or so. I usually just do my work at my apartment, but this was a good way to get work done and enjoy the spring weather at the same time.

7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

I think there are really good crash courses for React online, and I used a 1–2 hour long video that I thought was worth the time because I really felt like I was able to remember a lot of the concepts from React from the video. I recommend doing such research to anyone before beginning to use React for the project because of how helpful it was for me this week.

